I didn't post all weekend and monday was a holiday, Columbus Day, so I took that off from blogging but I'm back as normal now.
New Report: Bill Maher Even More of a Shithead Than Previously Thought. In case you're too lazy to click the link, Bill Maher praises Bin Laden's environmentalist message. It's shit like this and those climate ads that totally scares off lower-case E environmentalists like me. They remind me of the anti-drug crusaders who refuse to tell the truth about drugs. Marijuana is not going to kill you, and global warming is not going to force us into cannibalism. If these assholes weren't so over the top with it, they'd ingratiate a lot more people. Here's an article I've linked to before about Progressives Against Progress. It's an awesome, enlightening article worth the time of your day. Make sure to read it!
I've said I'm a lower-case libertarian, a lower-case environmentalist, and now I'm going to claim the mantle of lower-case progressive. Because the Progressives are against the very progress that I would welcome. Although I can't see who wouldn't welcome this sort of green technology. 285 MPG, and it's not a hybrid. Sure, it'll never hit the market, but I can't see how creative minds couldn't make something similar with great gas mileage.
Related: If you're worried about "range anxiety" with electric cars, do an experiment with your current car to see if you could deal with it.
I'm also a lower-case feminist. meaning I believe in female equality (just kidding). So when Jerry Brown, the Democratic candidate for Governor of California, called his opponent Meg Whitman a whore, you'd think the feminists would be all over his ass. Especially considering his opponent, Meg Whitman, is an independent female who was extremely successful as eBay's CEO. I think Whitman's a terribly weak candidate, but you'd expect women's advocates to at least voice their disapproval, right? National Organization for Women Endorses Democratic Candidate Jerry Brown Within Hours of "Whore" Comments. Ed furthers remarks on NOW's endorsement hypocrisy here, where NOW endorses Alan Grayson after his comments about "a K Street whore." Because calling a woman a whore is excusable if you're a Democrat.
More on Military demographics: Military Smarter, Richer, Southern..er. Well, I'm smart, and I'm Jewish so I have my secret Jew gold that the media and banks dole out to each of us at birth, making me rich. But like Meatloaf says, Two Out of Three Ain't Bad.
Questions NOT to ask the police: Is There a Warrant Out for My Arrest?
H/T to R.S. McCain for reminding me how hilarious the Onion is.
Justin Bieber Found To Be Cleverly Disguised 51-Year-Old Pedophile
J.Biebz was just on Oahu, I'm glad I wasn't molested by him before he was exposed by the Onion.
Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on the U.S., nobody notices. As noted in the article, Al-Qaeda once declared war on the U.S. to little note.
Zimbabwe's latest trend: Women Raping Men. Not as awesome as it sounds :(.
Strategypage: The Cost of Muslim Intolerance. Related: Saudis Arrest Filipino Catholics at Mass.
> I'm Jewish so I have my secret Jew gold that the media and banks dole out to each of us at birth, making me rich.
-Notice how truly smart the Jews are giving out Gold instead of worthless paper currencies!
Posted by: cf | 10/12/2010 at 09:44 AM
Haha yeah, we were into that shit before all the hype. We're REALLY rich now! BTW I didn't get a chance to respond to your gefilte fish comment before, but I LOL'd. That shit is so nasty, but my parents eat it out of some sense of obligation. Not me, I don't even touch it with my eyesight.
Matzah ball soup on the other hand... that stuff is, excuse the 90's slang, "da bomb."
Posted by: The Viking | 10/12/2010 at 01:40 PM