One way trip to Mars? Sign me up!
Another brilliant idea: Draft Mitch Daniels! Somebody get Jon Stewart on board this one, because electing this guy would truly be a move towards restoring sanity:
Why do we think our generation can unite behind this “uncharismatic” Indiana governor? Because his candidacy will give us a new hope for solving two of the greatest issues my generation faces: the degradation of national political discourse and the drastic rise in the federal debt...
...Governor Daniels, however, has gone out on a political limb by suggesting that we must declare a “social truce” in order to fix the economy and tackle the debt. We are all welcome to our social opinions, but when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says that the national debt is the top threat to our national security it is time to declare a truce in the culture war and do what needs to be done to cut the budget down to size and get our economy producing jobs.
Here again, Governor Daniels sets himself apart from other 2012 Republican contenders. He earned the nickname “The Blade” for his ability to cut out excess spending as director of the Office of Management and Budget, and as Indiana’s governor for turning a large deficit into consistent surpluses. While my generation has grown skeptical of Republican claims of practicing fiscal conservatism, there is no doubting Daniels’ record.
Between his remarkable fiscal credibility and his serious tone, he is what my generation has been waiting to see out of a Republican presidential nominee. Party politics aside, above all else, we just want to feel as though we face a clear and serious choice. And we believe Daniels offers us that choice.
Florida Senatorial Debate Moderator Calls Mexican Candidate Anti-Mexican. Marco Rubio, the child of immigrants, is pretty much as pro-immigration as it gets. Why is he anti-Mexican? Because he's pro LEGAL immigration. If you support the law, you're a bigot, duh! I'm not sure what kind of Mexican he is, I think he's one of them Cuban Mexicans, but I'm sure he's not a racist against other Mexicans like the Colombians, Brazilians, and of course, the Puerto Rican Mexicans.*
*If you are looking for a less racist version of this post, simply replace the word Mexican with Hispanic or Latino. All you beaners are the same thing to my cracker ass. In fact, if you're not 'Mrrrkin, then you're probably either Mexican, a Terrizt, or one of those faggy Europeans. Sorry peoples of Africa, East Asia, and Australia, those are your choices. Thank you, and I apologize for any confusion.
And here's a great message from Billy Dee Williams, also known as Lando "Space Pimp" Calrissian. H/T to old buddy King Leornidas of Eretz Yisrael (and also Long Island).
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