It's more exciting than Girls Gone Wild... well, probably not, but it's at least as entertaining... Politicians Gone Wild will be interspersed throughout the post. Some will speak the truth, some will yell the truth, and others will make themselves look like assholes on what they probably took for granted as an easy interview on friendly turf with the Daily Show. Read on to find out!
Hopefully this Boston man doesn't get charged for defending himself with the use of deadly force. Imagine, you're getting robbed and shot a few times, kill your assailants, and you're recovering in the hospital when you get a court summons. Shittiest week evah.
Sometimes, on the very rarest of occasions, a politician will come out and tell the truth. Rep Tom Perriello (D - VA): "The only way to get congress to balance the budget is to give them no choice, and the only way to keep them out of the cookie jar is to give them no choice... if you don't tie our hands, we will keep stealing." I'd be shocked if it wasn't something everybody already knows.
I've got to get my hands on this: Child Molester's Bible - Police say manual on 'how to molest children' is legal. Yeah, it's just frowned upon, like masturbating on an airplane. Included are important tidbits on how to convince the kids not to tell their parents, what type of kids to go after and so on. Good summer leisure reading.
Florida College Shuts Down Conservative Group After Seeing Anti-Obama Literature. This sort of thing is not as uncommon as you'd think at an institution that's supposedly a place for the free exchange of ideas. FIRE has been on top of all sorts of free speech type cases at schools around the country; if you are experiencing discrimination or the rejection of your first amendment rights, these guys are your advocates.
Viking Blogger Knows Where He Wants to Work When He Gets Out of the Navy: Tucker Carlson's News Organization, the Daily Caller, has installed a kegerator in his office. He doesn't drink, but he wants his employees to enjoy their work. Where can I sign up? Right now if I drink at work, I go to jail and make big rocks into little rocks, and at night time I get to play hide the salami with Big Earl.
Stores lie about their pants size to make you feel better. That's annoying, considering about 85% of the clothing I get is in gift form at the holiday/birthday time. Way to make things difficult, dickheads. Then again, I don't shop at Old Navy 'cause I'm too baller, if I'm not wearing custom tailored Italian designer suits, it's cause I'm geared up Viking style with my rape suit* on.
*My rape suit is a pair of sweatpants...
Alternate Headline: Some of us in deep, deep denial. I always wondered if ugly people know that they're ugly... thankfully, it's not a problem I have to worry about.
I'm sorry you feel this way about us, Mr. Chinese UN Diplomat. Until these old school communists are out of office and the military, I don't have much hope for good Sino-American relations. On the flip side, I have a lot of hope (fuck, the h-word... Obama really ruined that one), er, I have a good feeling about the future of China and their leaders of tomorrow. I truly believe they're headed in the right direction (but are we?).
Proven: Flamboyant Dance Moves Attract Female Mates. And yes, I'm talking about humans. How do you think I get so many girls? I let my hips swing and my arms flail like a Donkey Kong. One day I'll post a video for you all to see ;).
Legendary author of science fiction, Arthur C. Clarke, correctly predicts the future over 50 years ago. Awesome video, the man was wise beyond his years.
John Stewart to Tim Kaine: "You're the underdog in what universe?" Awesome interview on the Daily Show with John Stewart and Virginia Governor Tim Kaine (D). Stewart, an admitted lefty, tears Kaine up, and even visibly gags and rolls his eyes when his own crowd eats up the bullshit Kaine lays out. Note, later in the interview, that Kaine somewhat subtly gives Stewart the finger. I might disagree with John Stewart most of the time, and I think he's often very dishonest when it comes to reporting the other side, but he's a funny guy usually, a good entertainer, and proven that he's not such a lightweight. This ain't like getting interviewed by Olby, Kaine.
Steven Colbert had Vice President Biden on last night in another great tribute to the troops episode. Steven Colbert has a history of being awesome for the troops, and Biden keeps it classy as well. Though I disagree with pretty much everything Biden says from a political standpoint, I have always liked the guy (search my blog archives, you'll find it to be true). He's a funny character, and sometimes he's a bit of an asshole, which I find hilarious, although people without a sense of humor might take issue with him. Also, in the video he refers to his homestate as "Dover."
Omri Casspi (first Israeli in the NBA) experiences his first brush with anti-semitism in this country. I thought California was one of those progressive states... Happy New Year, Omri, and good luck next year. (H/T: BFF Guiseppe Fratelli)
Researchers translate thought to speech, could have implications for those "locked-in" patients. I love the future.
Time to weigh in on the whole Quran burning Church thing... that church is led by a serious asshole. There is nothing constructive that could possibly come out of burning the Muslim holy book, and it will only alienate the moderate Muslims out there. It's not comparable to the Ground Zero Mosque because at least, in theory, that Mosque is about bridging cultural divide, despite it's shady anti-American imam. Even though I don't buy the bridging cultural divide bullshit, building a mosque at Ground Zero is not inherently hateful. The book burning is inherently hateful and it comes from a hateful man who also launched a "no homo mayor" campaign. Some officials, including Obama, Petraeus and Gates, have urged him not to burn the books because it'll put our troops in harms way. I would urge him not to burn the books because it's indecent and detestable. I think the troops argument is stupid, because if we were going to censor ourselves from every action that might upset the extremist Islamic militants, we'd be going down a slippery slope (canceling South Park, maybe? Censoring newspapers from reporting on the war?). I mean, what DOESN'T piss off the Islamic militants? I know short skirts do, and by G-d if they took those, I'd revolt. So don't burn the books, not because it'll hurt the troops (that'd be cowing to the bully, appeasing the tyrants), but because it's just plain wrong and goes against the freedom to practice religion that this country was built upon. That's my word.
The Orlando Sentinel has, from what I've seen so far, the best take on the story. I disagree with the implication that this is totally the media's fault, but agree that without the media taking notice of this story, nobody would give a damn and troops' lives wouldn't be in danger. This Reverend is a media whore, a Christianist Paris Hilton or Tila Tequila. Don't reward him for his bad behavior by giving him press. Some highlights in the link are the Sentinel calling him a hick and likening him to Hulk Hogan. Last I read, the Reverend has indefinitely postponed the Quran burning, presumably due to pressure from the feds?
The Imam in charge of the Ground Zero Mosque wrote an op-ed in the times which I can't read since I don't pay for it. Allah has a good post on it here. The most important line, in my opinion, is from Allah's reaction, which sums up exactly how I think about the sanctimonious lefties patting themselves on the back for their moral superiority.
"Rauf is willing to make a concession to the feelings of opponents, at least in theory, in the name of “dialogue”; that’s more than you can say for the lefty commentariat who’ve treated this episode, as always, mainly as an exercise in self-congratulation for their moral supremacy."
This whole debacle is just ugly, and I really hope I don't have to write any more about it. It makes me pretty sick, how disgusting the atmosphere has become surrounding this "debate."
At the link is a video of exactly why I love Chris Christie. This video, as Allah says, is not quite as good as the last one where he figuratively cockslapped a union shill at a townhall meeting, but it's still pretty damn awesome. This guy talks real talk. He says exactly what he means, and he does exactly what he says he's going to do, and he'll explain it with not-so-nice words if he needs to. This guy is the definition of "keepin it real." Unlike so many pols that just spew platitudes (which of course, is a platypus with an attitude), this guy speaks English. I've never seen a politician communicate better than this guy.
Remember when I just said, "I've never seen a politician communicate better than thus guy?" I take it back. With a BA in Communications just to prove how great a communicator he is, Phil Davison is filmed here, giving a speech to be nominated for Stark County Treasurer. (H/T: Allahpundit)
I literally laughed through the entire speech. His voice cracking, forgetting his speech, and his pacing around the room have me rolling. I wonder if that's his actual speaking voice. He sounds like Joe from Family Guy when he's yelling (played by Patrick Warburton). If there is one video you watch today, make it this one, you will not regret it. Also, I just realized, I have a friend from college who we used to call Chris Phil Davison... maybe they're related?Peterson/Davison 2012.
P.S. - Davison did not get the nomination, sadly.
>Yeah, it's just frowned upon, like masturbating on an airplane.
-Thanks a lot, Bin Laden.
Posted by: cf | 09/11/2010 at 08:18 PM
There is nothing constructive that could possibly come out of burning the Muslim holy book, and it will only alienate the moderate Muslims out there.
There is nothing moderate about a Muslim who would be alienated by the burning of a Koran. (Since Muslims have a divine right to lie to infidels, the moderates don't really matter anyway, since they may just pretend to be moderate.)
The book burning is inherently hateful
In this case, the book itself is inherently hateful, so to burn it would in fact be a protest *against* hate.
Posted by: Barack Osaddam bin Hussein Obama | 09/12/2010 at 06:55 AM
@CF Haha such a great flick. I heard they're making a sequel that takes place in Thailand. Vegas is to us what Thailand is to the world. I mean, you can go pick up a 12 year old boy who looks like a 12 year old girl and I'll just stop here.
@BOBHO - I respect your use of post-modern irony ;).
Posted by: The Viking | 09/14/2010 at 06:02 AM