Yesterday I gave my input into the Delaware situation and realized I didn't fully explain myself. I do enjoy when shitty careerist politicians with no principles (other than to be elected and bring pork to their district) get ousted by fresh faces. There's nothing I enjoy more, perhaps, than seeing politicians who don't live up to their word and take their voters for granted becoming the latest unemployment statistic. The anti-war crowd is going through this now, as the democrats, who took their votes for granted, continue with every Bush policy, even extending some. These democrats haven't been put through enough, however, as evidenced by their unwillingness to vote for other candidates because they'd rather have a shitty dem than any republican. Same goes for the gay crowd, who have been let down time and time again by dems who take their votes for granted because they feel they have no where else to go, but I digress. The reason I didn't like Christine O'Donnell, the Tea Party backed candidate, as opposed to Mike Castle, the "establishment" republican endorsed candidate, was not because of her principles. She might agree with me on the role and size of government, but that doesn't matter if she's a questionable character. She won the primary, and if she wins the general election, I suppose it's better than the marxist she's running against, but she seems like a shady, crazy woman. Character counts as much as ideology (unless you're a Mass voter who kept Teddy K in office for life despite the fact that he killed a woman in his youth), at least to me, and I'd rather vote for somebody who I don't always agree with but I know is grounded in reality than somebody who I often agree with, but is a loon(Glenn Beck?). And Mike Castle is pretty conservative, especially for a blue state like Delaware. But it's all moot now, O'Donnell won, and I'd prefer her to the marxist, as I said earlier.
Bats, like humans, have regional accents when they communicate. I wonder if the ones from the South sound stupid...
You'll notice it's never the pretty ones that pull stunts like this. I don't generally believe it should be a crime for women to go galavanting in the buff, but in this case, please, somebody lock her up.
For all the pot smokers who rejoiced at Obama's announcement to stop federal raids on Marijuana, I've got some bad news for you... Wasn't I just saying something about broken promises? Don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters.
The Daily Beast agrees with me that broken promises and empty rhetoric will not work for the GOP anymore. Do not take your voters for granted, reps. If you talk big on eliminating debt and cutting government spending, and you wanna ride the Tea Party wave in to Washington, by G-d you better walk the walk. That's why I love Chris Christie, who walks the walk.
Or Mitch Daniels, who walked the walk and is still walking the walk. Politico thinks he's gearing up to make moves on the White House. Daniels/Christie '12 would be my dream ticket, and in that order too. A Daniels dark horse run would make a lot of people happy, I think.
And just yesterday, I mentioned what incredible, ground breaking, terrifying phenomenon took place after a Tennessee park relaxed gun laws. Today, as if on cue, I stumbled upon this blog post: Violent Crime Continues to Plummet as Gun Ownership Skyrockets. But don't fall into the trap that correlation implies causation... There could be other factors at work as well, I just so happen to believe that an armed society is a polite society.
Harry Reid, environment hypocrite? Say it ain't so! I never could have anticipated that... add him to the list with Al Gore, Leo DiCap, and virtually any other high profile "environmentalist." As Glenn remarked, "if you're astonished, you haven't been paying attention."
This quote of the day should go hand in hand with the Lawyer who cleans toilet post. It could also go with my discussion with Batman about jobs in D.C..
This is both bad and unsurprising: More Innocent People Admit to Crimes They Never Committed Than You Think. Psychologists have been able to plant memories in peoples minds of things that they never did, why should the police convincing the accused of crimes they never committed be much different? People react in different ways under pressure, and people who are easily influenced might not have the self-confidence to stand up for their version of the truth.
Holy shit: A British Woman With Straight Teeth! Ok, so there's an actual article in there, but that was my main takeaway.
I talked a little bit about the NYT bias with it's hit piece on House Minority Leader John Boehner (R - Ohio). I then realized that I have no idea how to pronounce his name, but I like to call him John Boner because it's funny. Then I wanted to actually know how it was pronounced and came across a Slate article giving the uninformed the correct pronounciation. I find it hilarious that the article needed to be written, most likely because people kept calling him Boner. He should hang out with Michael DuCOCKis and DICK Cheney. Real high-brow stuff here at Reed the Viking.
Tea Party to reach out to Jews... Hire me! I think I'd be an effective messenger, although I despise identity politics and wouldn't pander unless you paid me really well ;). But outreach and identity politics are two separate things, I think?
Resurgent anti-semitism on American campuses. It's kinda old news, but the commentary is new (to me). For those looking for an answer to the question, "Are jews a religion or a people?" I would say that we are both. But while I am not religious, I am most certainly Jewish, both culturally and genetically. While my great grandparents may have been born in Eastern-Europe, they were not ethnically similar to the people in their host countries (and thus, were massacred or forced to leave i.e. pogroms). Jews, and Ashkenazi Jews (Eastern European) at the very least, are an ethnic group, with specific traits and genetic phenomena such as Crohn's disease or being ultra smart, good with money, and incredibly attractive. I look Jewish, but you can't look Christian. We are a people.
I'm Jew...ish, but I speak Chinese, so naturally I got a kick out of this article about Jews in Shanghai. A bunch of Jews went to China during the early days of World War II, but Jews were actually in China far earlier, some evidence suggests. The city of Kaifeng, along the banks of the Yellow River in the Henan province, has had a Jewish population since the Northern Song Dynasty (around the tenth century AD). Back then, Kaifeng was the capital of the Northern Song. Chinese Joooooz, LOLZ!
"The momentum to repeal Obamacare picked up a little momentum in an unlikely place: the White House." - Ed Morrissey. I thought that was pretty funny, and the rest of his commentary is just as good. The problem that the White House is seeking to solve is not a new, unforeseen problem (well, not if you were opposed to the legislation at least). But as Ed says, this is what happens when you pass legislation to find out what's in it. 2,000+ pages, 48 hours to read it all... is anybody surprised by this?
This blogger feels exactly the way I do about Sarah Palin, so it's worth noting.
"I am not a big Palin fan. I am an atheist and not a social conservative in any meaningful sense. In my estimation, her chief virtue is that she annoys and enrages all the right people."Exactly.
Supreme Court Justice claims Quran burning may not be protected by the first amendment... WHAT?! My first reaction to the Quran burning story was that, like the Mosque by Ground Zero, it was well within their rights to do, but they're still big assholes for doing it. Allah and Ed's reactions, respectively. This reminds me of when the kids who wore an American flag on Cinco De Mayo were sent home from school because their shirts might incite violence. You're punishing the victim for his actions, effectively saying he deserves what's coming to him. That's not how our country is supposed to work. Violent offenders should be prosecuted, and I shouldn't have to tailor my speech to conform to whatever that fucking nutjob thinks is kosher talk. If I started a group of looneys who started shooting up elementary schools whenever Samuel L. Jackson says "Hold on to your butts" in Jurassic Park, would they ban that movie? Ok, bad example. If We started firebombing hospitals every time Bill Maher aired a new episode of his stupid show, would they cancel his show, or try to bring the criminals to justice. I would hope the latter, but in light of this SUPREME COURT JUSTICE'S comments, I'm not altogether confident... actually, I just thought of a great way to get that smug asshole off the air! G-d forbid they ever ban Jurassic Park though.
Interesting article by James Taranto about why "Islamophobia" seems to be more prevalent under Obama than it ever was under Boooooooooosh. Bush had peoples' trust and confidence that he was playing for America, because you can't really question that the right-leaning side of this nation loves the shit out of 'Mrrrkah (Fuck yeah!). Anti-American sentiment seems, unfortunately, to be almost exclusively on the left side of the political divide. Well, I should broaden that to Anti-Western sentiment, to include Israel. I do not claim that all left leaning people do not like America, and I think the Obama is legitimately taking actions that he truly believes will benefit our nation. But I do not think that Obama or the left as a whole stand as firmly for 'Mrrrkin interests and the ideals we stand for, such as freedom and democracy (his outreach to Iran and conspicuous silence during their protest movement, his siding with Latin American dictators in a rather simple Honduran political crisis, reluctance to criticize our enemies and eagerness to heap blame on our allies). Is it hard to see why people are skeptical of the left's professed love for America when a lefty Supreme Court Justice think it's OK to burn the American Flag (and it is and should be, legally speaking), but not OK to burn the Quran.
Here's something to brighten everybody's mood... HIPSTER BASHING! Hilarious video, I particularly like the line about electro pop meeting southern hip-hop, which could be talking about Major Lazer, a hipster favorite (sorry Guiseppe, I know you love them). If you argue that Jamaican hip-hop doesn't count as southern hip-hop, check a map, dick.
The final takeaway: I learned that Britain has hipsters too... it's an epidemic, like zombies. And like zombies, I'm pretty sure a shotgun blast to the face would take care of the problem.
Exit question: Was this created by somebody making fun of hipsters, or was it created by a hipster who was ironically taking jabs at his own people, and thus, he could become the hippest hipster. I report, you decide.
Morality is the herd instinct in the individual. (German Philosopher)
Posted by: Jordan 13 | 09/18/2010 at 02:24 AM
Weng Liju, Jiao Liya, Tang Xiaonai.
Posted by: Supra Thunder | 11/16/2010 at 02:16 AM