Cleveland Mom and Indianapolis Mom fight over title for "Best Mom Evar." I hope these monsters die in jail.
Huge Fossil Cache Found in California. How did the camels get here? Wait a minute... I think the more important question is, why did they leave? DUH DUH DUHHHHH *cue scary music*.
Legalize it: Pot-Ice Cream. It's like, exercise averse potheads didn't have enough on their plates with just brownies, now they get to have them a-la-mode. Banannabis Foster, that's a good one. I wonder what kind of creative name they'll come up with for pot-laced Half-baked...
Legalize it: 5 Myths About Prostitution.
The most important issue to independents: Healthcare? Well, I support health-care reform, just not the version that was passed into law. The most important issue to me is the debt (which is linked to Obamacare I guess), because it's my generation that is going to have to deal with paying the price. I know I'm in the minority on this one (for both parties), but I think Social Security and Medicare are breaking our nation. I see no difference between what Bernie Madoff did and what our government is doing with Social Security. Everybody agrees that Madoff is a cocksucker, so why is support for social security so high? Because people have already paid into it with the expectation of getting a payout. The article of the day that is a must read is this one right here: Why Does Government Grow and Grow and Grow? Most people are in favor of small government in theory, but when it comes to real life actions towards that end, support fizzles.
"While aid for vulnerable groups obviously drives a lot of government spending, we could lift every American, young or old, above the poverty line with government transfers of around 1 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Yet the federal government today spends more than 25 percent of GDP. Big government isn’t generated by caring for the truly poor; after all, despite spending 25 times more than needed to fill the poverty gap, we nevertheless leave millions in poverty."
Andrew G. Biggs then goes on to explain exactly what's wrong with our approach to Social Security, and why it's so hard to fix. Seriously, read this article. Tough, unpopular choices are going to have to be made if we want to continue being the best country evah.
More on that "sore loser syndrome" that's infected the GOP establishment. Money quote: "party unity is a lie used to make conservatives more obedient." Ouch. I vaguely support the idea of the tea party, but in reality a lot of the winners of primary elections are not libertarians, but social conservatives. They offer libertarians some lip-service by saying that they won't legislate based on personal and religious views, and I hope that's true. But that'd require me to believe something that somebody running for political office is saying. So color me naive, but I'll believe them for now, because I'm tolerant of somebody with different social views than I have (until they try to legislate based on it).
I color myself naive, as politicians making promises are perhaps the most untrustworthy people in the world. Just look at Obama. Or, take a look at the Republicans. Today, they offered up a 21st century update to 1994's Contract With America. It offers gems like "read the bill," promising to have the bills online for 3-days before they vote on them (hey, didn't the dems promise that?). Or how about this platitude (as we all know, a platitude is a platypus with an attitude): "adhere to the constitution." No shit. Besides, why should we trust you when it's been less than 20 years since your last contract with us and you acted like assholes pretty much since then?
Where were these teachers when I was a teen? Legalize it? Middle-aged Blonde Teachers Plied Young Boys With Drink and Drugs at Summer Sex Party. I can't believe they're getting jail for 10 years! When they get out I'll be waaaaaaay too old to fulfill my cougar/teacher fantasy with them :(.
Yesterday I talked about all the great men who thought capitalism was a blight upon this green earth. I forgot to mention the Marxist leader of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe. Mugabe and China are working together to thrive in the blood diamond trade and suppress their people. Personally, I ONLY buy blood diamonds. I feel that they're worth more if I know somebody has died for them. It's like there's a soul trapped inside.
Remember that computer virus I talked about yesterday... I was seriously wondering (that's sarcasm, get it?) who could be behind it. Well today, I got this: Stuxnet Malware is "Weapon" Out to Destroy Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Plant. Seriously guys, who could it be?! Awesome stuff, if not downright scary.
Real Reason Titanic Sunk: somebody didn't know their right from left. The worst part is knowing that if somebody was more concerned with saving lives than his own reputation, thousands could've been saved.
Smirnoff is running a new advertisement saying that they performed well in a blind taste test against high end vodkas. I'll believe that if by high-end they mean 5 dollar plastic handle. I don't like vodka to begin with, but I'd rather drink anti-freeze than Smirnoff. I can actually enjoy the nicer vodkas, although I'll still be happiest with a nice glass of scotch.
Party of Tolerance: Democrat Congresswoman: "The Vietnamese are Trying to Take Our House Seat." RACIST! Just imagine the outcry if a white Republican said this.
The always hilarious Daniel Tosh has a video of some little kids dancing like... whores I guess?
Tosh.0 | Weds 10:30pm / 9:30c | |||
20 Seconds on the Clock - Kids Grinding | ||||
And because traffic has been down since last week, I am going to gratuitously post a picture of a smokin' hot Indian babe in a bikini.
We can spend and spend and spend on social services without ever doing anything about poverty for the same reason that most people who are poor and win the lottery, end up poor again very quickly.
Posted by: HP | 09/23/2010 at 01:17 PM