I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti... slthththth.
It's like rain on your wedding day, it's a free ride when you have 10,000 spoons and need a knife. It's one hand in my pocket, and the other hand was lost in 'Nam. I don't remember all the lyrics, ok? It's ironic though, or maybe it's just odd luck and coincidence. The point is, I think this qualifies under the umbrella of irony: Ghost Hunter killed by train while looking for ghost train. He was probably good at seeing supernatural stuff, which led to his tragic lack of natural sight. Now all he has to do to hunt ghosts is find a mirror, HEYO!
Mitch Daniels, one of my favorite politicians out there, is unfortunately short. At least he gets badass points for riding a harley to a speech appearance. On the other point, he gets major fags points for riding a harley.
Law Professor Ann Althouse tipped me off to that picture when she compared pictures of Presidents on bikes (and one stank ass commie with a gun). The same stank ass commie who went shirtless horseback riding in Siberia. If he weren't such a stank ass commie, he'd be like, 50% 'Mrrrkin, but he'd rather be an asshole.
Pop quiz: What does Reed the Viking hate more than commies? Pop answer: Terrizts. As the most 'Mrrkin blogger in the world, I obviously hate terrizm. Terrizm is antithetical to 'Mrrka and freedom and huge boobs attached to blonde hair (I'm not sure if there's anything between the breasts and the hair, you'd have to talk to a scientist about that). So does it upset me when my TSA routinely annoys the shit out of me when I want to travel, but still can't catch these fucking monkeys? News like this makes me want to punch a baby.
Best hair-do evah? Money quote: "I'll bet Ms. Progris wishes she'd spent more time doing Kegel exercises before her recent encounter at the jail."
For all you people out there who are not knowledgable about East Asia's politics or culture, let me explain some things to you. Chinese Taipei is communist for the 'Mrrrkin word, Taiwan. I think the Taiwanese and even them commie mainlanders also call the island Taiwan, but our gubment back in the 70's (thanks, Dick... Nixon) decided to push our democratic friends under the bus, or as the chinese say, 公共汽車, so now we call it Chinese Taipei. Even though all my clothes, my cell phone, and my girlfriend all say "made in Taiwan," when we have the little league olympics, we call a spade Chinese Taipei. For those interested (Hi Mom!) I am in favor of Taiwanese independence, but puzzlingly enough, I am not in favor of Tibetan independence. The Dalai Lama once cut me off and I'll never forgive him for it, asians really can't drive! Where do I draw the distinction between who should have self-determination? Arbitrarily... just kidding, Taiwan has it's own military (Army, Navy, Air Force) and has been politically and economically independent for decades. Tibet, well, sorry, but just deal with it, you lost. Supporting your independence movement is no different than supporting Hawaiian independence. Who are we 'Mrrrkins to get involved in issues infringing upon Chinese sovereignty when it comes to their territories (Taiwan doesn't count for the aforementioned reasons)?
Hmmm.... Governer of the People's Bank of China defected to 'Mrrrka? Doubtful but we'll see.
Glenn links to futurepundit about a melanoma killing drug, who makes sure to bash the counterintuitive, counterproductive measures of the FDA.
"But do not expect it at a doctor’s office any time soon.
Further studies are needed before the drug can be approved by the FDA.I find this infuriating. Once you’ve been given a death sentence diagnosis and have months to live why should you have to die without being able to try experimental treatments?
Stage IV metastatic variety of melanoma has a 5 year survival rate below 20% and even lower in some cases. Malignant melanoma diagnosis amounts to a check-out notice from the Life Hotel. Such check-out notices ought to entitle you to a “Get out of the FDA jail card” where you get to try experimental treatments."
Infuriating indeed. In better news, however, that drug will be obsolete when this miracle cure comes out. Well alcoholism is now considered a disease, can you cure that Mr. Smarty Pants Scientist? How about sex addiction? I've got a terrible case of it, and the only prescription is more bewbs!
I tried really hard to stay away from 'Mrrrkin politics today, because I'm tired of it and I generally don't like anybody on either side (but I don't like liberals more; social cons, you suck too but as long as you're pissed about the economy I'll put up with you). However, I could not stay away from this revelation as Rachel Maddow** and the rest of the predictable, snarky lesbian MSNBC hosts (Kayo, C-Matts) bash a racist tea-partier who we later found out was a gay democrat supporter who donated tens of thousands to democrats and fundraised for John "I swear I thought this was Massachusetts water" Kerry. Damn racist homophobic republicans, stop being democrats!
Just one more thing about that whole Glenn Beck rally. Glenn Beck sucks; he doesn't scare me, but the whole religious revival mega church crap he pulled at D.C. does kind of make me feel a little uncomfortable. I'm not anti-religion; if you want to be religious, I'm not going to be a dick about it to you or tell you not to believe in G-d, so long as you're not an asshole to me and try to convert me to the ways of Christ. On the other hand, I could do with less G-d in my politics. Whatever, the Glenn Beck rally is pretty inconsequential to me, it was the liberal reaction that was more telling IMO. From what I read, the rally was positive in it's outlook, so that's good I guess.
H/T Are We Lumberjacks for this hilarious picture. It kind of reminds me of how when I tell people I speak Chinese, they all tell me to say something in it, except in my case I can't make a funny graphic.
**I starred up above near Rachel Maddow's name for two reasons:
- The bad news: she was totally hot before she lezzed out and went all Dykie Dykowicz.
- The good news: She can be played by Ralph Macchio in the inevitable biopic.
Of course, that project would have to follow the one he's currently working on, "Wax On, Fuck Off." Enjoy.
Come to the Christ side, Reed, and we will rule the galaxy together as...okay, so it kind of breaks down there.
Posted by: HP | 08/31/2010 at 04:48 AM
I don't know how you missed this one;
Posted by: cf | 08/31/2010 at 09:03 AM
@HP Your thoughts betray you, HP. I feel the Jew in you. Ok, while we're butchering Star Wars, I must add, "It's a trap" and "We've got to give Han more time." When you say the second one, make sure you pronounce Han like "Hand" without a D, not like Hahn. Because that's how Lando says it, and he's a space pimp.
"That thing is operational" - My girlfriend on the rare occasion I can get it up.
@CF Ahh, I feel like such a fool! I rectified this mistake today. Always appreciate a good point in the right direction ;).
Posted by: The Viking | 09/01/2010 at 12:29 AM