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Why are people surprised/upset that he has failed the gay community? Sorry, guys, you're just another group he spoke pretty words to, got into office, and forgot about. He didn't call the rest of us in the morning, either.

Also, virtual high-five. I have come across very, very few people who actually take a halfway intelligent "just get government the hell out of it all" stance on marriage.


High-five right back at you! I gave you a shout out today in my post, and I think I might have figured out your secret identity!

I actually am a little surprised that he failed the gay community. I'm not surprised that he failed many other progressive causes, but supporting gay rights is arguably better politics for him than not. He'll get no good will from Social Cons for his views, and well, who am I kidding, no libs are really going to vote Republican.


Not even gonna try Hewlett Packard?

But no, neither of those...

I've become all sorts of libertarian; I didn't expect him to actually stand up for anybody.


I don't really like Hewlett Packards, but I like you and Harry Potter. It was worth a shot.

As for my expectations of the man, I guess I got sucked in by his hopey-changy eyes. I was all about Barack Obama when I first heard about him in 2004 honestly. Then again, I was a teenager back then. The more I heard about the guy, the less I liked him. I suppose the rest of the country would feel the same if the MSM had actually, you know, vetted the guy.

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