Last week's post containing the goat and the Japanese Navy was pretty popular. Unfortunately, as commenter MaxedOutMama mentioned, the goat-loving demographic is primarily made up of lower income males in terrorist cells, so there's not much room for blog growth with that subject being the focus, commercially speaking. She suggested I cater more towards the gay community, who oftentimes don't have any children, and thus, have more disposable income with which to invest in my blog. I can't wait to sell out! The New Republic, which was apparently around in 1912, has an article about Obama's failure to the gay community. C'mon, butt pirates, you know GOProud is gaining momentum, soon the right wing will be full of those sequins and feathers you love! For those of you who don't know, a group called GOProud is hosting a conference called Homocon for right wing ass spelunkers and carpet munchers. The headlining celeb? Anne Coulter! Figures they'd have the left wing's most hated tranny as their keynote speaker. So let's keep tabs now, Obama is right of Cheney, Ahnold and Laura Bush on this one. As for me, I don't think the state should be involved in marriage. They should grant civil unions to heterosexual and homosexual couples, and leave the marriage ceremonies and whatnot to the peoples' respective religions. I propose an amendment banning the institution of (state) marriage! If the gays want to watch eachother die, by G-d, let them into that hospital room!
SETI should look for AI rather than "organic" ETI. Article makes a lot of sense to me. Maybe the Mmrnmhrm really are out there... For any nerd old enough or nerdy enough to catch that reference, kudos to you. Spoilers at that link, but I don't think many of you are planning on playing through Star-Control 2 any time soon (though I recommend it!). If you are interested, you can download it for free here.
Last week I was reading some hype on Hotair about the FDA pulling a cancer medication called Avastin. Ed Morrissey was worried (and I believe rightly so) that Avastin lost it's FDA approval due to political/economic issues completely unrelated to the safety/utility of the drug. Having done no research on the drug myself (c'mon, that'd take effort), I kinda shrugged off his post and just assumed he was playing partisan politics. Today, however, I saw this in the dailymail: Anger as cancer drug that saves thousands is remains banned in UK. Before even looking, I knew the article would be about Avastin, as Ed's main point is that when the new healthcare overhaul comes into place, we're going to lose options because the government needs to stay within budgets. Avastin is expensive, and when the gov't is footing the bill, they won't be as generous with your treatments as say, I dunno, you might be, given the option. Sure enough, the UK won't approve the drug because it's too expensive for their nationalized healthcare system to afford. But it'll probably be different here, it's not like our government has massive debt or anything. Ok, snark aside, it'll be different here because our healthcare system is still nothing like the NHS in Britain, so let's not overblow things.
On the subject of debt, Glenn Reynolds posted an excellent chart today that I will post here, but his post is still worth reading (and it's short, don't be lazy).
Admission: I can't vouch for how accurate/factual that is, as I haven't done my due dilligence, but I will admit I was wrong and issue a correction if somebody will correct me. I'll also kneel and kiss the corrector's ring. Yeah Glenn, I'm pretty confident you wouldn't mislead me, don't squander that trust! Maybe we have so much debt now because we spend $578 million dollars on public schools in L.A...
I've been following a funny phenomenon on both Hotair and Instapundit, and I suspect other's follow it elsewhere too. Every month when new data on the economy is released, there seems to be some sort of bad news (unemployment up, real estate down, stocks down). Every time, without fail, the administration and the press (sometimes I can't tell the difference) will have a headline like, "Unemployment unexpectedly rises." I mean, it's really funny, because sometimes they will post the news on Hotair first, and Allah or Ed might write, "I wonder which news outlet say it this time." A few hours later, they'll post an update like, "Reuters: Unemployment Unexpectedly rises." Glenn and the Hotair guys both have made the point that maybe the administration/press should adjust their expectations at some point, because they keep being taken by surprise. This is so routine that I never bother writing about it, but today, Glenn posted a link to every time he's reported on it so you can see the archives going back a year every time some news outlet reported unexpected news. It's impressive to say the least. I searched the Hotair archives myself and they have even more, although some of the posts are unrelated to this phenomenon and just happen to contain that buzzword, "unexpected."
I know I'm late on this one, but still worth posting.
From a NYT editorial: “But many of Mr. DeLay’s actions remain legal only because lawmakers have chosen not to criminalize them.”
Wow, NYT, how perceptive you are. Eating chicken before noon, just like many of Mr. DeLay's actions, only remains legal because those lazybones in congress have chosen not to criminalize them... yet. I hold out hope that one day, nobody will eat chicken, and more importantly nobody will drink soda, before the hour of 12:00PM EST. And the NYT has only been able to legally operate as a newspaper because lawmakers have chosen not to criminalize them. Let's see if I can beat this horse any further... actually, let's not. There's plenty of reason to dislike Tom DeLay, and a wiser columnist might have said, "although Mr. DeLay's actions are legal, his ethics are certainly questionable." See, I'm a wiser columnist, now hire me NYT!
Moving on, NY Congressman Anthony Weiner used to look like Jennifer Grey. He put it up himself on twitter... the resemblence really is uncanny, I swear he looks like he's ready to make out with Charlie Sheen in a police station right about there.
Good thing I don't live in Tanzania: Man Jailed for Selling Albino To Witchdoctor. I guess it would be kind of cool to have a local witchdoctor though, I think they come in handy.
VICTORY IN IRAQ: Porn selling like hotcakes in Baghdad.
Avatard James Cameron is a gutless hypocrite. Sanctimonious, hypocritical, and now gutless. The guy challenges his ideological adversaries to a debate with some strong rhetoric, then changes all the rules (which his adversaries agree to) and then he backs out altogether. I'm surprised his opponents agreed to all his changes, as they got progressively more ridiculous 'til the debate was almost completely staged in a way that he couldn't look like a loser or an asshole. Maybe the confidence in his opponents to debate and win despite his draconian rules scared him? What a turd.
The annoying thing is that I totally agree with him that we should do our best to protect our planet and our resources. Articles like this one worry me a little, while others are so overblown that it has the opposite effect. The upside of a world without helium? No more rodents singing terrible annoying pop music.
Via Are We Lumberjacks, some funny pictures:
That first one had me rolling. also has a gallery of hot "gingers." I don't discriminate against women (unless they're ugly) based on color, creed, hair color, or really any other factor besides pure looks. Sometimes, if the looks are not there, but the willingness to do funky shit in bed is, I will withhold discrimination for these types of cases. Funky shit in bed can include anything from DVDA to an awesome meal complete with a beer and the TV remote control. Where was I? Oh yes, break calls them gingers, but it'd be more accurate to call them redheads since like, 50% of them are technically daywalkers and 25% of them are dyed.
Why are people surprised/upset that he has failed the gay community? Sorry, guys, you're just another group he spoke pretty words to, got into office, and forgot about. He didn't call the rest of us in the morning, either.
Also, virtual high-five. I have come across very, very few people who actually take a halfway intelligent "just get government the hell out of it all" stance on marriage.
Posted by: HP | 08/24/2010 at 08:17 AM
High-five right back at you! I gave you a shout out today in my post, and I think I might have figured out your secret identity!
I actually am a little surprised that he failed the gay community. I'm not surprised that he failed many other progressive causes, but supporting gay rights is arguably better politics for him than not. He'll get no good will from Social Cons for his views, and well, who am I kidding, no libs are really going to vote Republican.
Posted by: ReedTheViking | 08/25/2010 at 01:25 AM
Not even gonna try Hewlett Packard?
But no, neither of those...
I've become all sorts of libertarian; I didn't expect him to actually stand up for anybody.
Posted by: HP | 08/25/2010 at 07:19 PM
I don't really like Hewlett Packards, but I like you and Harry Potter. It was worth a shot.
As for my expectations of the man, I guess I got sucked in by his hopey-changy eyes. I was all about Barack Obama when I first heard about him in 2004 honestly. Then again, I was a teenager back then. The more I heard about the guy, the less I liked him. I suppose the rest of the country would feel the same if the MSM had actually, you know, vetted the guy.
Posted by: ReedTheViking | 08/26/2010 at 02:16 AM