I forgot to add one thing about my little Tibet/Taiwan/China talk yesterday. We have been supporting the Republic of China (Taiwan) since before they relocated to Taiwan. We have supported them since before World War II, and there are some arguably good reasons for it. They are capitalist, and embrace the West and our ideals. I won't say they were/are a model democracy, considering they had lots of corruption and 50 years of uninterrupted one party rule isn't exactly a paragon of democracy, but they aren't responsible for the deaths of millions upon millions of their own people. So Taiwan, like any other place, has its problems, but also look at how successful they are and the quality of life of it's people. You always hear about concerned Hollywood tools whining about Tibet, but do they actually know anything about the place? First of all, the PRC government will crack heads of any dissidents, not just along racial lines. Yeah, they murder the Wiggers (that's how I spell Uyghur) in Xinjiang and the Tibetans in Tibet, but they also murder any Han Chinese they disagree with too. Furthermore, do these tools know what kind of people they're supporting? Do they know what kind of government would exist in Tibet? Something similar to a theocracy, and a dead broke one with shit for infrastructure at that. Seriously, that asshole Lama cut me off, and then proceeded to drive 5 below the speed limit. The PRC has greatly improved the lives of people in Tibet, and a there are Han people who live there too.
Ok, I'll stop boring you with that, and instead, I'll bore you with this. My friend, an anti-religion self-proclaimed atheist, and I were talking about religion and what it does for good, and what it does for evil. We noted that atrocities have been committed in the name of religion, but also atrocities have been committed by bona fide atheists (Stalin, Mao ringing any bells?). What we did not note is the evolutionary basis for belief in G-d, so I'll refer you to NPR for an awesome, interesting article about just that.
Schooled by a commenter, CF, who tipped me off to this gem: Nurse's Union Topless Video Yanked. They talk about some other controversial Danish commercials, and I actually saw the one with the girl and the one night stand. Important question: How do I apply for the part of the patient in that ad? Anybody with the answer please contact me in the comments.
Cocaine? No way dude, this is powdered gum. Paris Hilton, take it from my sister, that "I'm just holding it for a friend" line doesn't work on anybody (well, maybe it'd work on you). She got arrested for only 0.8 grams, that's not even enough to have a cool billiards-related nickname. And you can't call it an eight-ball, because that's an eight of an ounce. Ahh drugs, teaching 'Mrrrkins the metric system since 1776. I actually had a conversation with some co-workers about how much I love the "freedom system" (i.e., inches, feet, miles, pounds, fahrenheit). The freedom system is basically just a big middle finger to the rest of the world, like, "Yeah, so what it doesn't make sense? This is 'Mrrrkah! FREEDOM." And then your friend throws a big sword.
Nanny State: Hey, let's ban TV for young kids! They've got all these fucking rules for kids nowadays, like they can't watch TV or drive cars, and you can't have sex with them or hit them with a belt. It's facism, and it makes me sick.
She told me she was just dancing til she saved enough to go to law school... I didn't take her seriously until I saw "Gibbons v. Ogden, 1821" tattooed on her taint. What a random court case to tattoo on yourself, you'd think that a woman working in the sex industry might pay more attention to "Roe vs. Wade." Tip your strippers well, they won't forget it when they're doctors or lawyers and you need help.
Science: "Yeah, so uh, we were just speculating about the stuff we've been hyping to the world as the most dangerous problem facing the human race. What, you expected us to actually check?" You've got to be fuckin' kidding me. Well, they had to come up with "proof" of the disastrous problem so that they could regulate legislate on it.
Via Glenn Reynolds, "bye bye fossil fuels"! Steven Den Beste does his best buzzkill: "hold up a minute Glenn, this might help the terrizts." But Steven, what if the government kept tight control over it... just kidding. On an unrelated and embarrassing note, I must admit that I thought thorium was an element made up by Blizzard Entertainment and used in their Warcraft series. On an unrelated and not-embarrassing note, my favorite element is Tungsten because it's symbol is W, and like, WTF is with that? Also, it sounds funny. So does the word "smock." There's a great Calvin and Hobbes comic about that one.
I knew it! Heavy Drinkers Outlive Non Drinkers. Take that, NERDS! SPRING BREAK '06, WOOOOOOOO!
Of course, Baboons already knew this secret to longevity (H/T: Hotair).
Evil jooooooz murder and rape poor, pitiful Palestinians in the West Bank are thriving. Could it be because their government is not a terrorist group who rejects the existence of Israel, but a more moderate group that rejects the existence of Israel.
U.S. Mosque, along with British toolbag, raise money for Hamas (with video).
And now I leave you on a bittersweet note, as I present you with a video symbolic of American decline. (H/T: Hotair.com) For if we cannot present the world with the greatest action scenes in modern cinema, I don't have much hope for our future. I'm just kidding, We've had tons of better scenes than this, but damn this one's good, and gotta give credit where it's due.
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