Best day evah? Maybe not, but best 3 news items evah for sure.
There is a G-d: Female breasts are getting bigger! Heres a picture to prove it (Yes, that's Yolanda, Saffron, Bridget, or that chick from Mad Men if you don't watch Firefly).
The aforementioned G-d also likes to party: Alcohol is healthy for you!
The Chosen People: Jews have 20% more sex than Catholics and Protestants, booyah! Also, alcoholics (aka healthy people, see above link) get laid a lot more than people who don't drink.
The Chosen People? Maybe chosen to be hated and killed... Lee Smith writes on Mainstreaming Hate, which refers more specifically to the mainstreaming of anti-semitism. It rolls around every so often, the naive gunless jews with poor memories usually get murdered, and the smart ones live on to make the race more pure and intelligent. JEW POWER! Sorry, I got a little overboard there, you gentiles are cool, srsly. I am not a jewish supremacist, but no for real we're chosen, suck it.
I wrote about how I think racism is bad, and Greg Gutfeld of Redeye offers his input (sounds pretty ridiculous after I literally just wrote, "JEW POWER" and told non-jews to suck it, but my tongue was firmly in my cheek and I think you all know). He says a lot of what I said yesterday, mostly, and his post is brief and humorous, so check it out. The better post about the whole NAACP thing is by Cornell Law Prof. William Jacobson of "Legal Insurrection." Prof. Jacobson says:
"In context, Sherrod at worst was a former racist who had realized the error of her ways... Media Matters and Think Progress, the ultimate out-of-context word and phrase manipulators, are hot on the case because Shirley Sherrod was taken out of context.
So how about some context for the handful (out of many millions) of people who have attended Tea Party rallies carrying racist signs?
How about considering that some of the people were not really Tea Party supporters but plants by the opposition designed to create controversy? Or that some of the photos were not even at Tea Party rallies? Or that some of the people were kicked out of the Tea Party movement? Or that some of the accusations of racist words being shouted are denied and the videos show otherwise? Or that numerous blacks who are active in the Tea Party movement deny that there is widespread racism? Or that the Tea Party philosophy of limited government and free enterprise is completely race neutral?"
The other day on the news, the anchor was talking about the Tea Party being racist, and used posters of Obama with the Hitler mustache as proof. Those posters are obviously retarded and historically illiterate, but more incredibly, I was shocked at the scientific breakthrough that I have never heard of til just that day. Apparently, this anchor had warped through the time-space continuum and jumped into the future, completely missing 8 years of Bushitler displays around the country. A quick google search would bring her up to date, and I literally just clicked the first link to find a decent record of some high profile Bushitler peeps. BTW, that site only goes up to 2005, so keep that in mind as well. Comparing Obama to Hitler is not racist, it's just retarded.
Comparing Obama to Bush is bad (for Obama fans) because generally, Obama has been worse than Bush on the few things Bush actually did well, for example as the NYT (?!?!!! THE NYT!) points out, Bush was awesome on AIDS relief in Africa. Things that Bush did bad, on the other hand, are consistently continued by Obama, or even escalated (see government ordered hit on U.S. citizen). Still waiting for DADT to get repealed so I can come out of the closet (just kidding, Mom). Too bad Obama's worse for gay rights than Dick Cheney. Then again, why should Obama throw them a bone when the gay community is tucked into his pocket, or at least the pocket of the democrat identity politicians. Obama's way worse on spending than the terrible Republicans were while Bush was in office, but let's not quickly forget how terrible they were.
If you didn't think the prospect of drowning sucks enough as it is, after reading this you'll really be terrified. Drowning and suffocating are two of the scariest things to me, but then again it doesn't take much to scare me (moths, scary movies, no lights on at night, garages, basements, nighttime, Carrot Top).
A Word of Thanks to Four Black Men and a Gun... awesome article by Marcus Cole, a black guy from the hood who moved to a white neighborhood and had REAL racists act violently towards his family. His father and he understand that the cops aren't always there to save you, that the government can't be there 24/7 to ensure your safety, and that the second amendment is an invaluable right that offers the freedom to defend oneself. Law enforcement, is generally a necessary force for good that does a lot of work to protect the safety of our countrymen, but reality dictates that they are not superhuman defenders, and there sometimes is a need to defend oneself when the cops can't be there.
Terrizt Archaeologist who threatened the South Park creators arrested on terrorism charges. What a jerk.. these guys are serious, and they want to harm us, it's not harmless, cute, jihad talk.
Some more Journolist stuff:
- Journolisters call Tea Party fascist, then propose idea to have the government force Fox News to stop broadcasting... the irony apparently goes over their heads. More historical illiteracy I guess.
- Ed Morrissey provides his input on the above mentioned, and I think he puts it well.
- Glenn has more at Instapundit.
- Journolister wishes death upon Rush Limbaugh, says if she saw him having a heart attack she'd stand by watching and laughing. Rush responds.
Mediocre British chick (I give her 5 out of 10, and pretty much any girl who's not obese gets that these days) publicly announces that she's the largest whore of all time (I think empowered is the term she used), likely has diseases. The money quote: "Now all I want to do is settle down. I just hope I haven't put men off." Aww, don't worry babe, I'm sure there's some guy out there that wants Syphilis; perhaps some die-hard Al Capone impersonator...
Reader and BFF Guiseppe Fratelli sent me this picture of the tattoo I should get (it even has my name in it!). Whatdy'all think? Is it 'Mrrrkin enough for me?
Although reeding is for faggots, you're not gay if you reed my site, because it's not a book, and the truth is that books are for nerds, my site is cool.
Little Miss Thousand wasn't too bad-looking back in her college days... But I bet the had a right awful voice.
And drowning is really only terrifying if you survive it.
Posted by: Josue | 07/22/2010 at 02:39 AM