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The Dad

The Youngbloods were actually pretty popular for a while and several of their songs got air play (The Wine Song for example.) It is a telling comment on the passage of time that you young'uns think of them as a one-hit wonder.

The Thoughtful Laundress

The Youngbloods made a number of fabulous songs in their day, Darkness, Darkness being just one of them.

The Viking

I'd still argue they're a one-hit-wonder since the only song that will ever be associated with them is "Get Together" and it's by far their most recognized song. It's the only one I've ever heard on the radio (then again I was born well after they were around), and it's their only song that ever made it into the top-40.

Perhaps they were popular with hippie punks like you, who liked to "keep your head stoned all the time" - there's your wine song ;). I also like their song "Sugar Babe"

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