I'm guessing you're on TriCare...if so, remember that what you have isn't at all representative. It's socialized medicine, sure, but it's for a small and controlled group of people. Who also don't get to go to the doctor whenever they want, often have to wait a long time to be seen, and occasionally go in for an appendectomy and come out missing both legs...I wanted to address this at the time, and I'm not sure why I didn't. Yes, my healthcare is decent, and the people who work there aren't like the DMV of the Healthcare world; they do care and work hard for my benefit. On the other hand, like the commenter said, it is for a very specific purpose and does have many problems. The fact that this model of socialized medicine is for a small and controlled group of people is precisely why it can be as successful as it is. All taxpayers pay to support this small sampling of the population, and therefore it is much more manageable than say, 323 million americans in the system. Personally, I am against the idea of a nationalized system for a myriad of reasons, but I think the root of the opposition is more due to the cost of the bill that just passed. My brother sent me this (pictured below), which I think drives the point home a little. But enough about healthcare, I'm sick of the subject.
Sometimes it's not the ideas of an organization or movement that make it disgusting, but rather the brand has become so tarnished that it's impossible for anybody to want to identify with that movement. Growing up in New York, admitting you're a Republican in a high school or college classroom is only a little less dangerous than admitting you're gay in Iran. I always steered away from the Republican label myself not only due to the terrible brand (racist, sexist, redneck/racist, poor hating take your pick) but also because I'm legitimately not a Republican. Well here's James Cameron, continuing to ruin a brand I would ideally love to associate with. I consider myself an environmentalist, but how do I separate myself from these fools? Nowadays, when I hear "environmentalist" or "green something," I just roll my eyes and think "lame." It's truly a damn shame. Same goes with today's "feminism," but that's a whole other can of worms. Really James, Global Warming is as dangerous as the Nazis? Whether or not you believe Anthropogenic Global Warming is really an issue, obviously we should all do our best to keep our earth clean. However, following his logic, people who don't recycle are no better than the SS, if AGW is indeed as evil as he says. Talking this kind of shit truly alienates me; I know my history, and the Nazis were fucking evil. No Al Gore, Global Warming did not cause the recent string of earthquakes or the volcano in Iceland; this "explanation" holds no more water than the Ayatollah who said infidelity causes earthquakes, or my stupid "It's cause 2012 is coming" joke.
Some fun friday links to lighten the tone for the weekend:
Awesome new photos from the hubble
And they wonder why we don't trust the government to run healthcare (that goes for when either party is in power)
Just a reminder as to why the U.N. is mostly useless... maybe U.N. stands for Useless Nations?
On the other hand, the SEC probably doesn't have much to do these days what with the lack of fraud in the corporate world [/sarcasm]. Actually, pornography boosts morale, and morale filled workers are more effective (I'll send this as a suggestion up the chain of command!). Maybe they'll start issuing playboy in bootcamp, although since 2girls1cup came out I can't get off on anything less than snuff-porn (yeah, I only work with the legendary "murder boner").
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