I have little time for blogging this week and will be away next week. (And, according to Mrs. SW, I will be unable to go on line at all.... I have been informed, in no uncertain terms, that we [meaning "I"] will not be bringing any computers and all of our time will be spent in the [un]real world on vacartion.... There are worse fates and I am fairly sure I can function for a week without the internet, but the jury is out on whether or not I can actually do it.) In the meantime, in between reading about the end of the world as we know it, take a look at Richard Landes's article, Jeffrey Goldberg: 4-D Jews, 2-D Gentiles, 1-D Muslims. Richard takes apart the well meaning but anti-insightful article by Jeffrey Goldberg; he summaraizes Jeffrey's efforts as follows:
And in not tackling the real thing to fear – an active cataclysmic apocalyptic movement struggling for a hierarchical millennium of global dominion – Goldberg and those who proceed in the same line of thought, condemn us all to an interminable life of just these kinds of fears, always walking on egg-shells to avoid provoking the explosive forces we won’t talk about (and, arguably thereby encourage).
For Jeffrey Goldberg, and for so many bien pensants like him, not only should Voldemort's name never be mentioned, but his existence must continuously be denied. This is not restricted to Islamic terrorism, of course, but to any phenomenon which does not fit the approved template. Articles like this do not seek to enlighten, to offer insight, they aim to disguise and obfuscate; they are, to coin a phrase, examples of anti-insight.
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