In February 2006 I posted Pity the Poor Anti-Semite. The key points:
Here is the crucial point for those who imagine that a tiny group of people, barely 60 years out of an almost successful genocide, left with nothing more than the clothes on their backs, comprising approximately .05% of the world's population, who came to the desert in Palestine and built a modern technological nation, would have the time and interest to simultaneously devote themselves to oppressing the Muslim world, with almost 100 times their population and oceans of oil:
The anti-Semite necessarily defines himself as monumentally inferior to the Jew.
This resides in the core of the anti-Semite and renders him permanently damaged and weakened. Only the aid of a being much greater than themselves, Allah, can save them from disaster. Short of such divine intervention, they are doomed to remain defeated. The Muslim nations of the world do not see it as within their abilities to compete in a world of high technology, higher education, competitive open economies; no, they look to nuclear weapons, only available to them by virtue of their Allah given oil money rather than by the sweat of their own brows, to bring them relief from the often imagined depredations of the now conflated Jewish/American demi-Gods.
Following the story last month in which Egyptian officials claim that recent shark attacks at Sharm al-Sheikh were caused by the Mossad in order to damage Egypt, we now have evidence of the psychosis spreading to our good friends and allies in Saudi Arabia: [Emphasis mine-SW]
Vulture in Saudi Custody Suspected as Mossad Agent
Saudi Arabian security forces have captured a vulture that was carrying a global positioning satellite (GPS) transmitter and a ring etched with the words "Tel Aviv University." They suspect the bird of spying for Israel, Maariv-NRG reported Tuesday. The GPS and ring were connected to the bird as part of an long-term project by Israeli scientists that follows vultures' location and altitude for research purposes.
The arrest of the vulture - whose identification code is R65 - comes several weeks after an Egyptian official voiced the suspicion that a shark that attacked tourists off the Sinai shore was also acting on behalf of Mossad. The incidents may reflect a growing irrational hysteria among Arabs surrounding Israel's military prowess and the efficacy of its intelligence services, possibly fueled by the Stuxnet virus' success.
People whose rational minds have been invaded by paranoid fantasies and delusions are typically rendered both more and less dangerous. They are more dangerous because they imagine enemies and when particularly anxious can attack those imagined enemies and/or their agents. They are less dangerous because psychotic thinking interferes with the ability to plan, connect cause and effect, and carry out complex mental operations.
The Arabs and too many Muslims cripple themselves mentally by using their mental abilities to conjure up more and more fanciful and farcical paranoid explanations for how Jewish and American perfidy is behind all of their many pathologies. For example, rumors that Israel or America set off the Indonesian tsunami swept the Muslim world following that tragedy in 2004. There are literally no delusional ideas incredible enough that some sizable population in the Middle East will not believe them if the Jews and/or Americans can be invoked.
Since it is impossible to dose an entire population with anti-psychotic medications (despite Arab/Muslim fantasies of Jews giving Arab women aphrodisiacs in the past), it is unlikely that reason, which has never gained much of a foothold in the Muslim world since the Koran was proclaimed the infallible world of Allah, will prevail anytime soon. In fact, the trends in the Arab world seem to be running in the opposite direction:
Al-Azhar proposes 15-year prison sentence for Quran print errors
Al-Azhar's Islamic Research Academy on Thursday proposed a new law mandating 15-year jail terms for printing and publishing houses found guilty of making copy mistakes in published versions of the Quran.
Under the proposed law, the transgression would be classified as a felony rather than a misdemeanor, while offending printing or publishing houses would be forced to close.
According to Academy Secretary-General Sheikh Ali Abdel Baqi, a committee composed of academy members, Al-Azhar scholars and legal experts would draft the proposed legislation before referring it to the Shura Council (the consultative house of Egypt's parliament) for discussion.
Al-Azhar University is the most eminent institution of Koranic learning in the world:
Al-Azhar University (pronounced "AZ-har", Arabic: جامعة الأزهر الشريف; Game'at Al-ʾAzhar al-Šarīf, "the Noble Azhar University") in Egypt, founded in 970~972 as a madrasa, is the chief centre of Arabic literature and Sunni Islamic learning in the world. The oldest degree-granting university in Egypt after the Cairo University, its establishment date may be considered 1961 when non-religious subjects were added to its curriculum.
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