in the Okhotsk Sea, in February, the average temperature is −11 °F (−24 °C). After a period of particularly bad weather, it has apparently warmed up to -14°C (-26°F), warm enough to resume rescue operations.
This could be a Hollywood blockbuster but it doesnt even make it into the MSM. I know, they are Russians and therefor uninteresting (except as villains), and it involves surprisingly thick ice, which is contra-narrative, but the story is remarkable:
They were only playing leapfrog
Events in the Okhotsk Sea crisis are moving apace, with TASS reporting that the Bereg Nadezhdy fish carrier "has been led by two icebreakers from the ice area to clear water." Now the Admiral Makarov and Krasin icebreakers are returning to the Sodruzhestvo factory ship "in order to guide the vessel to ice-free waters."
Why did the Chilean miners become front page news and the Russian sailors have not?
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