Last night those who are on Michael Yon's e-mail list received a poignant note, which linked to a horrifying story:
It saddens me greatly to read on my own pages mindless slanders against the entire Muslim world. There are some bad ones, just as there are bad Jews, Hindus, and Christians. Yet tonight, like many nights, I sleep under protection of Afghan Muslims. They will protect me with their lives. They are good men.
And this courageous Iraqi was lost to the same savages that we fight together. May God cherish his courageous soul.
The story at Michael Yon's blog is almost too horrifying to discuss, but it must be noted since it illuminates the evil at the core of radical Islam: (NB: The names in the e-mail posted on his blog have been changed to protect survivors.)
Our Muslim Friends Suffer, Too
CSM M-----Original Message-----
From: Far North Mellingers
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 7:56 AM
To: Mellinger, Jeffrey J CSM MIL USA AMC
Subject: RIP SGM Mohemmed al-Ahbab, ICTF
SGM Mohemmed al-Ahbab was a member of the ICTF and Iraqi Special Forces (ISF). He rode many miles with me and my crew, and was right in the middle of any fray we had, moving quickly to the sounds of the guns. The Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Force (ICTF) was on everyone's hit list, as they were fighting for Iraq, and against all who were not for Iraq first. The ICFT killed plenty of Anti-Iraqi Forces (AIF) and Al Qaeda - Iraq (AQI), and I was privileged to go on many raids and operations with them. I was never afraid of them - they were patriots and fierce fighters.
To soften the blow to the Lion 7 team, the above email reflects what I told them.
The truth is, he was captured leaving his Sadr City (Tharwa) home. His brothers had been captured, tortured and killed while refusing to disclose his location. His father suffered the same fate. Finally, Mohammed himself was captured coming back from leave.
For the next four days, sadistic Shi’a bastards (and he was himself Shi’a) beat him to the point of opening tissue and breaking major bones, used electric drills to drill every major joint (elbows, knees, ankles, shoulders), several locations in his skull, and every rib. Not to leave a single nerve unexposed, they used a Sawz-all to cut a notch from his bottom jaw, four teeth wide, and to the jut of his chin. Still, he lived. [Emphasis mine-SW]
Still alive after four days of this, he was shot twice in the head. He was bruised and swollen almost beyond recognition, but a tattoo revealed his identity.
A couple of weeks later, I was called by the CSM of the USSF element at the Radwaniyah Palace Complex (RPC) in Baghdad, and asked if I wanted to come along on the raid to kill/capture the rat bastards that had tortured and killed Mohemmed. Well, of course!
The highlighted section should be re-read because its impact is so great to any civilized human being that several readings may be necessary to comprehend the evil involved.
Michael Yon makes the point that there are many civilized Muslims in the world, many of them allied with us in our struggle with these sub-human monsters. Those who suggest that Islam itself is evil or dangerous are indeed undermining our allies and adding fuel to the fires that are threatening to consume the world of Islam and the West.
There is no doubt that Sharia Islam, as it is being promulgated by its adherents, has evil at its core. While the fatuous claim is made that "in Islam there is no compulsion", in reality, all that Sharia has to offer is compulsion. But that misses a couple of important points.
First, even among those who support Sharia, there are differences between monsters willing to gouge out eyes and those who simply want to have the right to torment and control their own tribesmen and women. It is not in our interest to mobilize the great majority of passive proponents of Sharia in a true clash of civilizations. When statements are made that "all Muslims" are enemies of the West, it supports the contention of the eye gougers that Islam is under attack.
Second, it is not in our interest to allow those who support Sharia from imposing their rules on us, as far too many in the Liberal international elites would enable. Every time an obnoxious, or merely naive, American draws a cartoon or threatens to burn a Koran, and they are not supported by our government and elites, the mass of Americans who have always believed that they have the right to be obnoxious are pushed toward the regressive position; in such a position, if given a forced choice between supporting our own values and surrendering them, the majority will support our own values; with the government and large parts of the elites demonizing our values in the name of multiculturalism or PC, more and more of those who are being told to "shut up" will come to see Islam as the problem.
One of the great failures of the Bush administration was its inability to establish linguistic constructions that adequately differentiated our enemies from our allies from those who were essentially passive spectators in the Muslim World. The Obama administration has, if anything, done an even poorer job of creating such differentiations. When fine differentiations are effaced all that are left are the more coarse grained differentiations, which lend themselves to easy Splitting into "all good" and "all bad".
At a time when terror threats have once again become more real, we should be attempting to win the information war which fuels the terror war by insisting upon adherence to our own values and making it clear to friends, enemies, and the uninvolved or neutral alike, that we can differentiate among them and target appropriately.
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