I shamelessly stole this from Stagflationary Mark (and you will love his commentary on it, for which you will need to go to his site) because it deserves wider dissemination for two reasons:
1) It is hilarious; who hasn't wanted to do this at some point during their school years?
2) If this were to occur under the bureaucratic "zero tolerance" policy holding sway in much of America today, this little girl would be in terrible trouble.
We may all be tempted to join in this young girl's desired for result when we see what is happening in our public schools:
NY passes students who get wrong answers on tests
When does 2 + 2 = 5?
When you're taking the state math test.
Despite promises that the exams -- which determine whether students advance to the next grade -- would not be dumbed down this year, students got "partial credit" for wrong answers after failing to correctly add, subtract, multiply and divide. Some got credit for no answer at all.
"They were giving credit for blatantly wrong things," said an outraged Brooklyn teacher who was among those hired to score the fourth-grade test.
State education officials had vowed to "strengthen" and "increase the rigor" of both the questions and the scoring when about 1.2 million kids in grades 3 to 8 -- including 450,000 in New York City -- took English exams in April and math exams last month.
CLOSE ENOUGH: New York City fourth-graders were able to get partial credit for blank or incorrect answers like these on state math tests. A concerned teacher blew the whistle on the practice.![]()
A society that "educates" its children to believe that 2 + 2 = 5 is "close enough" and that they are the smartest and most special because to be found wanting might damage their self esteem is a society that has already committed suicide, but doesn't appreciate that they have ingested a slow poison that will destroy them in time.
It is hard not to believe that the stupefaction (or would stupidifaction be more accurate?) of a large cohort of our young by their idiotic educators is not part of a nefarious plot to destroy America. When you realize that much of our pedagogy is designed by people like Bill Ayres, such a seemingly paranoid position becomes less obviously bizarre. If it is not designed to destroy America, it is hard to think of anything that would do the job more effectively.
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