In a discussion of the new American policy toward Israel, Professor William A. Jacobson reinforces the point about splitting that I referred to in Societal Regression: An Economic View. [HT: B. Daniel Blatt]
He Has Seen The Enemy, And It Is Israel
Finding demons is the stock-in-trade of this administration. I called them on it at the beginning of the Obama presidency, Barack Got Enemy.
Whether it is the "rich," the insurance companies, the "lobbyists," the "extremist" and "dangerous" Tea Parties, or whomever, there always is an enemy against whom a policy is directed.
Now that enemy is the sole democratic outpost in a sea of intolerance, dictatorships, and Islamic fundamentalism.
None of this is a surprise to those of us who were honest in the run-up to the 2008 election. I saw it coming, based on the people with whom Obama had surrounded himself, and his style of campaigning.
I do not believe that Obama wants to destroy Israel. I do believe that Obama wants to bring Israel down a few notches, end the historic special relationship as he did with Britain, and use Israel as a pawn in Obama's vainglorious escapade to make people like us.
The Obama tendency to demonize its opponents is barely tolerable when society is most stable; during a period of Societal Stress which can so easily devolve to Regression, such a tendency coming from the top of the government is incredibly irresponsible.
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