Vapidity: Synonyms:
1. lifeless, flavorless. 2. spiritless, unanimated, tiresome, prosaic.
It may be possible for the New York Times to become even more devoid of meaningful content than it has already, but columns like yesterday's from Gail Collins suggests they are already working hard to find the bottom. The various healthcare bills making the rounds in Congress are 2000 plus pages long, aim to impose a top down approach to remaking American healthcare (1/6th of the American economy), are loaded with policies which will distort incentives, damage innovation, and cause significant numbers of Physicians to flee the system, and will cost amounts of money not yet imagined ($1.8 trillioin? $2 trillion? $3trillion? Its a governemnt porogrma so who knows?), yet all Collins can comment upon is some foolishness at the Washington rally against the bill.
(As an aside, her attack on Michele Bachmann, a rather attractive and well spoken Republican woman suggests she sees Bachmann as a significant threat; watch for Bachmann to become "Pallinized" as time goes by.)
I have long since given up any hope that columnists at the "paper of record" will offer substantive and thoughtful commentary (though my last faint vestiges of hope explain why I continue to read them from time to time) but becoming a cheerleader for a plan that I am willing to wager a large sum she has never read is the height of those twin monstrosities, ignorance and arrogance, that have become an unacknowledged and unrecognized reason why the hoi polloi no long are willing to defer to their betters. Collins' op-ed is titled Weekend Sports Lineup and she apparently aims to criticize those silly teabaggers who are protesting against the bill and cheering for "their side" at the rally. Nowhere does she acknowledge that she is doing exactly what she scoffs that the rabble are doing.
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