Whenever I post on such topics as Moderate Muslims and Islam and Democracy, I receive numerous comments supporting the contention that there is no such thing as a Moderate Muslim and that Islam is incompatible with democracy. There is little doubt that any form of Islam that supports Sharia law is, in fact, incompatible with democracy. For the purposes of this post, I will even go further and agree, for argument's sake, that the vast majority of Muslims have incorporated some of the most egregious tenets of their religion. Let us assume that they believe that Muslims are superior to non-Muslims, that the Koran is the infallible and unchangeable word of Allah, and that every devout Muslim must wage Jihad against infidels. Further, let us agree that most Muslims clearly recognize that Jihad does not refer to a spiritual struggle but to a more prosaic struggle to force infidels to submit to Islam. What are the implications of such a position?
The ultimate conclusion to be drawn from the supposition that Western Civilization and expansionist Islam are mutually exclusive and inexorably heading toward a clash, is that the planet is simply not big enough to support both civilizations. This supports the idea that at some indeterminate point, the second of Richard Fernandez's Three Conjectures will come to fruition:
Conjecture 2: Attaining WMDs will destroy Islam
[If you have never read The Three Conjectures, read it now; this post will still be here when you return.]
Since Iran is speedily approaching the point of no return in their quest for a deliverable nuclear weapon, despite the NIE which chose to err on the side of inanity, Conjecture 2 is looking more and more possible.
I suspect even those of us who take the dimmest view of Islam would agree that losing Western cities in exchange for destroying hundreds of millions of Muslims is the worst case scenario. That raises the question of what policies and behaviors the West could adopt which could minimize the risk of the worst case scenario. After all, we should not particularly care if 75% or 90% of Muslims think they are superior to us and want us all to submit or die, as long as they do not actively seek to bring it about. The question then becomes, how do we best convince them to leave us alone.
Thus far, in some areas we are doing an adequate job, in some areas we are doing a poor job, and in other areas we are actively advancing the worst case scenarios.
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