The Conventional Wisdom, as expressed by various members of the MSM, Congressmen, Senators, the occasional artiste, and the odd pundit or two, has it that the Iraq War has been a costly mistake, a disaster that we are losing; in short, in the words of that most traditional of the CW purveyors, Don Imus, "a mess." It is rarely established by what metric the War is a disaster, though there seems to be a heavy reliance on "body counts" and usually unsubstantiated reports from various stringers that support the meme of the day.
One of the virtues that the 60s generation had (and they didn't have many, I fear) was a determination to "question authority." Admittedly, this was often carried to an extreme, and all authority figures were rather indiscriminately held in contempt (though, in an interesting bit of confused idealization, those authority figures who sanctioned the questioning of authority figures rarely tolerated being questioned themselves). However, while rarely remarked upon these days, the fact is that the rebels of the 1960s have now become the establishment authority figures of the 2000s, and it is worth questioning their authority.
(The doyens of academia, the MSM, especially the gray lady of the media, Eurocrats, UNophiles, the entrenched vestiges of the 60s in the Democratic party, are all as establishment as it gets.)
I would suggest that not only are we not losing in Iraq, but we are winning the war; however, we can still quite easily snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
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