This week's winning post was by Rick Moran at Right Wing Nut House. Rick does not mention Vietnam in his post, but many of us old enough to remember would suggest that it was the attempt to fight the Vietnam War without fully committing to the battle that eventually led to our defeat. In IRAQ: QUIT OR COMMIT, he quite carefully and in a superbly reasoned way, makes the updated argument that if we are to win in Iraq, we had better not repeat the mistakes of the past. There are a number of places one can disagree with him, but his arguments are well worth taking seriously. The second place post was by Dymphna at Gates of Vienna. Her post, The Nation-State vs Anarchy and Imperialism, includes this:
But before discussing the critical issue of the nation-state, we should step back a pace and consider the alternatives to national sovereignty, and what these alternatives represent both historically and to our future as a country.
We have known only two other choices when it comes to political organization: anarchy or imperialism.
If our enemies are not a nation state, our options narrow; read it all.
The winning non-Council post was BAD FAITH, by David Thompson at 3:AM Magazine. It is telling that there are people who need to have it spelled out in clear and concise terms that there really are important differences between cultures and some are in fact better than others; consider this:
By way of further illustration, while red-faced evangelists may say gay people are wicked, damned to hellfire, etc, I don't know of any internationally renowned Christian leaders who are calling for the imprisonment and killing of gay people. Unlike the supposedly "moderate" Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, who insists that gay men and lesbians should be "killed in the worst manner possible." Not condemned, 'corrected', prayed for, or pitied, or any of the usual nonsense spouted by Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson et al; but murdered -- as brutally as possible.
Read it all and book mark it so you can direct muddle headed multi-culturists to the post. In second place was a typically excellent article by Micheal Totten, Terror War, which documents the damage done by Hezbollah to Kiryat Shmona, their main target in Northern Israel. Somehow the International press corps has managed to neglect their reporting on the victims of Hezbollah; I suppose Hezbollah, for all their noise, was not terribly effective, and Jews and their property do not make good victims.
As always, all the nominated posts can be found at the Watcher of Weasels and all the posts are well worth your time and effort.
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