Last week the winning Council post was When History bites back, by JoshuaPundit. He does a wonderful job showing how history tends to repeat. In second place was a clear explication of blogging philosophy that every blogger should read, Blogging for Dummies Like Me, at The Sundries Shack.
Among the non-Council posts, the winning post, by Tigerhawk, attempts to answer the question Wither the 'democratization strategy'? Whether you think he succeeds or not, his post is an essential addition to understanding the importance of the Iraq War. Second place was by Fjordman, whose post on Beheading Nations - The Islamization of Europe's Cities, was hosted at Dhimmi Watch. A Fjordman essay is always worth reading.
This week also saw the exit of Dr. Sanity from the Council; her departure is mitigated by the arrival of Abbagav. Gavriel has some big shoes to fill, but if his most recent posts are indicative, the Council will be very well served by his presence.
As always, all the nominated posts can be found at the Watcher of Weasels and all will reward your time and effort.
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