Confirmation Bias is the unconscious tendency that all of us have to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms our preconceptions. The operations of Confirmation Bias have effects from the most intimate, as a derivative of transference, to the most public, in our political and policy prescriptions. Recognizing and compensating for CB should be a vital part of any contentious discussion.
The solution that is offered by the Scientific Method is to require that science only address hypotheses that are falsifiable and to require independent replication and corroboration before accepting a scientific statement as valid. Even then, scientists are careful to report their findings as significant to a clearly defined level of confidence, recognizing that contrary results can occur based on chance alone.
That so many people do not understand these basic logic and scientific concepts leads to all sorts of problems, from law suits alleging that Vioxx causes heart attacks to confident assertions that Global Warming is an impending crisis.
The key point I want to make is that Confirmation Bias is pervasive and operates on a predominantly unconscious level. However, it is possible to understand (some of) your own CB and take steps to at least partially protect oneself from falling so far into the trap that your perception of reality is impaired.
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