Until today, I have chosen to leave the comments open in the hope that even when people step out of bounds from time to time, eventually some good discourse could emerge from even the most heated discussion. Unfortunately, recent comment threads have shown that once things go down hill, the race to the bottom takes on a life of its own. As a result, I will no longer tolerate anyone posting threats or overly abundant foul language.
In line with Freud's dictum that the first man hurling an insult instead of a spear was the beginning of civilization, creative insults, especially if funny, are always welcome. On the other hand, telling someone "F*ck you" because you don't like what they said merely indicates a poor vocabulary rather than a trenchant comment.
In the future, I will offer a warning if someone goes over the line, and a second time will result in the commenter getting banned.
I don't know if this is a comment on the political passions of the moment or an outgrowth of the anonymity the internet supports, but when discourse deteriorates, it is not good for anyone involved.
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