AJ Strata at the Strata-Sphere composed the winning Council post this week with a satirical 2006 Democrat Contract With Al Qaeda ... at least I think it was meant to be satirical, though with the behavior of some of the leaders of the Democratic party recently, you might wonder...
In second place was my post on The Academy Awards, Pan-Sexuality, Narcissism, & Loneliness, in which I dissected cultural trends which aim to increase the objectification of sex at the expense of relationships.
Among the non-Council posts, The Anchoress applies her unique blend of insight and forbearance to devastating effect in Wellstoning the King Funeral - UPDATED; outrage is most effective when it is done with subtlety.
In second place was a tie between Gagdad Bob's The Pathetic Last Children of Nietzsche's Pitiable Last Men and a post from Dean's World, Islam and Freedom and Democracy (Updated, Revised Data). As always, Gagdad Bob's post defies easy summation, so go read the whole thing. Dean's piece is an interesting effort to show that the world of Islam has been democratizing and there is no incompatibility between Islam and democracy. He inadvertently makes an excellent case that the neo-cons have been correct that the clash of civilizations is not between Islam and the West but between a small number of wealthy Islamic totalitarian states (and their client states) and the West. Take a look and draw your own conclusions.
As always, all the nominees are worth reading and are available at the Watcher of Weasels; read them all.
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