The depths to which the liberal left will sink apparently have no limits. Yesterday, shortly after Sam Alito was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Bush, the senior Senator from New York, Chuck Schumer, offered what I assume he thought was a very clever turn of phrase comparing the virtues of Rosa Parks with the dastardly sins of Sam Alito:
Like Rosa Parks, Judge Alito will be able to change history by virtue of where he sits. The real question today is whether Judge Alito would use his seat on the bench, just as Rosa Parks used her seat on the bus, to change history for the better or whether he would use that seat to reverse much of what Rosa Parks and so many others fought so hard and for so long to put in place.
Gagdad Bob points out that the liberal elites not only have no shame but, in addition, seem not to even recognize the implications of their verbigeration:
If I weren’t too busy to blog today, I’d probably want to say something about the grotesque figure of Charles Schumer, whose crass politicization of the death of Rosa Parks is not just an insult to her memory, but offensive to blacks in particular and Americans in general. Amazingly, liberal elites who are outraged by the banal observations of a William Bennett not only let Schumer’s comments slide, but report them without irony as promoting the cause of blacks and civil rights.
Democrats don’t really have ideas, but a sort of post-literate iconography, and Parks is one of those icons that substitute for thought. Schumer is simply stealing the quiet symbolism of this dignified woman’s actions in order to cynically exploit them for political gain. More importantly, he is actually undoing Ms. Park's legacy and shoving her again to the back of the bus, declaring to the world that blacks are like helpless children who can get nowhere in life without white liberals like Schumer driving the bus for them. In the bizarro world of the left, those who believe that blacks are no different than any other race and are fully capable of rising to the level of their merits, are the racists.
The Democrats have taken the black vote for granted for many years now, ever since the Republicans used their "southern strategy" to pick up the votes of white, unreconstructed southerners who were easily scared by black people who no longer were willing to accept second class status int heir own nation.
However, those days are long gone and many black Americans have begun to notice that attitudes have changed. Republicans cannot be labeled as racists just because they believe the entitlements society is a disaster, especially for its beneficiaries who are required to remain dependent in order to assure their benefits.
Once again, the liberal image of black people is of dependent children who are unable to compete or stand on their own two feet; this image is inherent in too much of what the Democrats present to believe it is accidental. The overt racism of the past has been replaced by an insidious brand of paternalistic racism and people are starting to notice.
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