The French Intifada continues and is slowly escalating. Last night, the first death occurred among the victims of the violence. Western media remain reluctant to use the M or I words (Muslim/Islam) but the character of the rioters is clear. Pamela at Atlas Shrugs has a nice recap of the evenings activities, as well as reports from other parts of Europe which are stirring.
Things threaten to spiral. The French police, fired upon with pellet guns last night, have basically given up trying to gain control over the banlieus and fear the next step in the escalating violence:
Jean-Christophe Carne, president of a police trade union, told The Washington Times before last night's outbreak that police officers were increasingly pessimistic that civic order would be restored anytime soon.
"Most of these kids are being coached by professional petty criminals and gang leaders in the suburbs," said Mr. Carne, president of Action Police CFTC.
"In the past, when we have cracked down on these criminals in their homes, we found drugs, grenades and heavy weapons such as guns. While they haven't started using these arms yet, there's also no reason to think they wouldn't."
Carne added this:
"With every passing day, the violence gets worse and we are incapable of dealing with it," Mr. Carne said. "Morale within the police is at zero, and I am very pessimistic that the situation can be resolved without a major reinforcement of security."
The French government hasn't yet decided whether or not to call out the army; perhaps with some concerns about the reliability of the army, which is ~15% Muslim.
The French have a long history of sanctimony but it doesn't disguise their fear and the unpalatability of their choices. They can use a combination of incentives (ie retreats by the authorities) and force to put the lid back on the pot, but it is not a long term solution. The French have never been fans of assimilating dark skinned southerners (they have always preferred lecturing Americans on our traditional racism to dealing with their own insularity) and their societal model of multi-cultural, socialism-lite, does not allow for any defense of their culture versus the culture of Islamic fascism.
In Europe's past, when paradigms failed, chaos ensued, which ultimately gave birth to totalitarianism on the left and right, usually with a soupcon of racial hatred thrown in. There is already plenty of ethnic hatred available; it is openly expressed among the Muslim populations, and hidden among the majority French. The question of the day is will the majority's ethnic hatred, evoked by their fear, be kept under wraps until some other, as of this moment unknown, alternative resolution occurs; or will worse come to worst and the "dogs of war" escape confinement?
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