The Global War against Islamic Fascism is a many front war, being fought in such venues as Iraq, London, Rome, New York, Pakistan, Thailand, the Philippines, and in the media, in academia, and in the precincts of the Democratic Party. Political Correctness severely damages the West's ability to adequately prosecute, and ultimately to win the war with a minimum of death and destruction. I would contend that the West, especially the Anglosphere, will not lose this war, but that short term defeats by America will ultimately lead to devastating defeat for Islam. If we leave Iraq prematurely, or the Iraqi constitution institutes some form of intolerant Shariah Law, even if done democratically, this would be a defeat for the liberal, democratic West in the war. The possibility of leaving prematurely increases in direct proportion to the anti-war distortions and bias in the MSM, which still has a powerful position in influencing public perceptions of the Iraqi theater. The existence of Fox News, right wing radio, and the blogosphere has done a great deal to level the playing field with the left-leaning MSM, but there remain fundamental ways in which the MSM determines the overall shaping of public perceptions in a country where most Americans gain their view of the world through the MSM and its derivatives.
The MSM is no longer completely denying their bias. In today's New York Times book review, Richard A. Posner writes about Bad News. In Posner's opinion, the MSM is being forced by economics to address their bias.
The audience decline is potentially fatal for newspapers. Not only has their daily readership dropped from 52.6 percent of adults in 1990 to 37.5 percent in 2000, but the drop is much steeper in the 20-to-49-year-old cohort, a generation that is, and as it ages will remain, much more comfortable with electronic media in general and the Web in particular than the current elderly are.
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