I am out of town for the weekend (which is why I couldn't blog yesterday) and I have noticed ongoing reports of all the protests throughout the Islamic world against the vile American Desecration of the Koran (which never happened, but was a good excuse in any event). While I have not read the reports with much attention to detail, one thing that jumped out at me was the size of the protests. I can believe that much of the Islamic world doesn't like us very much. I can believe that much of the Islamic world is predisposed to believe our own media when they accuse our military and our government of desecrating the Koran, but since there are ~1.3 billion Muslims in the world, what I find most remarkable about the demonstrations is how few people seem to be involved. If the best the Islamists can do is to mobilize a few thousand protesters to burn American flags and rant and rave about the infidels insulting their most precious holy book, despite the efforts of the world wide media to publicize their protests (I cannot tell you how many times I saw the same small group of veiled women burning the American flag on TV yesterday!) then the well of outrage, hatred, Islamic fundamentalism, and Jihadist violence may be shallower than we think. Perhaps like other bullies, once the world (ie, the West) confronts them (and kills enough of them) they will slink back under their rocks. Again, as with most bullies, appeasement and surrender is the only thing that can guarantee their success.
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